How Can You Increase Your Website Conversion Rate?

Digital has a leg up compared to other forms of media because it is more trackable. You can get an idea on what consumers are doing after they see the ad or after they click the ad through what is called a conversion. A conversion is the action someone takes on the advertiser’s website after they have seen the ad or click to a website. Ultimately, it’s the goal that the advertisers want for the visitor to do on their website. Some examples of conversions are:

Making a purchase or clicking “add to cart” on a website
Clicking to a certain page of a website that the advertiser wants to track (products/services page, info page, etc.)
Downloading info or discount offer from a website
Filling out a “contact us” form
Registering for a newsletter or offer
Watching a video
Creating an account
Clicking on a specific button on a page
Clicks on the Live Chat box to initiate a chat
Clicking on the menu/header pages on a website

By tracking conversions, you are able to see more of the customer’s journey and what they are interested in. When tracking conversions, there are several things you want to pay attention to because the consumers actual journey is going to be much different than what the business owner expects that journey to look like.

For example, if I own a dental practice and I want people to come in for a whitening service and I run an ad for $100 off, as a business owner I might expect to see a lot of form fill outs since that is a decent sized cost savings. As a consumer, I might see that ad and it might pique my interest, but I don’t take action that first time I see the ad because I want to get more information about the service. Maybe I want to know how long the procedure takes, or how long the results last, if there are payment plans available, or do I need to be a current patient to get this offer? Maybe a few days after seeing the ad I remember the name of the dental practice and I call the office to get my questions answered. That phone call was initiated because of the ad that I was served, but the digital campaign won’t get credit for that on the monthly reports. This is one reason why adding a business’ Google Business Profile to the monthly reports can help tell a story.   Here’s an example of the report we can add that shows the advertiser’s Google Business Profile analytics:

A zero-click search refers to a search engine result page (SERP) feature in which the search query is answered directly on the search results page itself, without requiring the user to click on any specific search result links to obtain the information they’re looking for. Zero-click searches are designed to provide users with quick and concise answers to their queries and are often displayed at the top of the search results. The information is extracted from websites that the search engine deems as authoritative sources. While this feature can be convenient for users, it can also impact website traffic as users may not need to click through to any specific website if they find the answer they need directly in the search results. Forty nine percent of all Google searches are zero click searches, but through the Google Business Profile report, you are able to see a lift in calls, directions, or maps and compare that to a time when the business wasn’t advertising to when they were.

When looking at getting conversions with a campaign, you want to make sure you are tracking conversions that are easily accessible for a consumer. For example, if getting phone calls is the key performance indicator (KPI) of the campaign, make sure the phone number is listed at the top of the screen on a mobile device. If getting form fills is the main KPI, what kind of form are they asking people to fill out? How many fields are there? Reducing the number of required fields will help create a cleaner form and keeps from overwhelming the user. In a study by QuickSprout, a form with only three fields saw a conversation rate of 25%. That percentage was reduced to 20% with up to five fields and to 15% with more than six fields. Also, if the main KPI is form fills, don’t base the success of the campaign on JUST form fills as the only conversion. The average contact page converts a measly 1% of visitors. This goes back to the business owner wanting the consumer to act in the way that they want them to, not the realty of how the consumer will act.

In addition to tracking form fills, the business should utilize a Live Chat feature. By offering that, it is another way that the consumer can interact with the business. They are able to reach out the way that they want to. Also, consumers are more comfortable giving their information to a live chat agent compared to submitting a form and not being sure where that information ends up. Almost half of consumers say that they prefer to use a live chat feature as their preferred method of giving out their contact information.

The call-to-action button can also play a part in the number of conversions. Optimize the submit button by choosing the best words. QuickSprout also showed that certain words and phrases get more clicks than others. The word ‘Submit’ saw a 3% decrease in clicks. Instead, consider using action words that inform the user of what’s happening or what to expect. For example, phrases such as “Request Information” or “Request Price” or remind the user of what’s happening.

You also want to see if the website is loading in a timely manner. A one-second delay in load speed can reduce your conversions by 7%. According to Google, anything over three seconds and you could lose up to 50% of your traffic.

A quick way to see how fast (or slow) a website is loading is to use this tool:

This website can help web developers optimize the performance of their websites. It analyzes web pages and provides recommendations to improve various aspects of their performance, such as loading speed, accessibility, and best practices for web development. Some of the key features and functionalities of the PageSpeed Insights tool include:

Performance Score: provides an overall performance score for the webpage based on various performance metrics.
Opportunities: identifies specific opportunities for improvement, such as optimizing images, leveraging browser caching, or reducing server response times.
Diagnostics: highlights potential issues that may affect the webpage’s performance, such as render-blocking resources or unused CSS/JavaScript.

Overall, the PageSpeed Insights tool helps web developers identify areas where their websites can be optimized for better performance, user experience, and search engine rankings.

The post How Can You Increase Your Website Conversion Rate? appeared first on Vici Media.

The Power Of User-Generated Video Content

Gone are the days of needing professionally made videos for 100% of your video marketing needs.  User-Generated Video Content is becoming a hot commodity and becoming an absolute game-changer for local businesses looking to make their mark.


Unveiling the Magic of User-Generated Video Content

Picture this: real people, real experiences, and real stories—all captured on camera and shared with the world. That’s the essence of user-generated video content, a powerhouse tactic that’s reshaping the digital marketing landscape one authentic clip at a time. From heartfelt testimonials to behind-the-scenes peeks, this type of content isn’t just about selling—it’s about connecting on a human level and forging genuine bonds with your audience.


Riding the Video Wave

If there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that video is the undisputed king of content. With viewers gobbling up video content like it’s going out of style, there’s never been a better time to ride the video wave straight to the top. According to the experts, video traffic is set to dominate a whopping 82% of all consumer internet traffic.  In addition, 82% of digital video marketers generated leads through video content. And guess what? User-Generated Video Content is leading the charge, captivating audiences with its raw authenticity and unfiltered charm.


The Power of Authenticity

In a world where filters and photo editing reign supreme, authenticity is the golden ticket to winning over hearts and minds. User-generated video content is the secret sauce that adds that extra sprinkle of authenticity to your marketing efforts. When real people share their real experiences with your brand, it creates a ripple effect of trust and credibility that money can’t buy. It’s like having your own personal cheer squad, rallying behind your brand with unwavering enthusiasm.

Taking Brene Brown’s quote above, as a business owner, our business is really what our customers say our business is.


Building a Tribe, Not Just a Following

The days of one-way communication and passive consumption are behind us. Today’s consumers crave connection and community, and User-Generated Video Content is the bridge that brings them together. By inviting your audience to be active participants in your brand story, you’re not just building a following—you’re building a tribe of loyal fans who live and breathe your brand values.


Harnessing the Power of Social Proof

In the age of social media, peer recommendations are worth their weight in gold. User-Generated Video Content is the ultimate form of social proof, showcasing real people using and loving your products or services. It’s like having an army of brand ambassadors spreading the word far and wide, singing your praises to anyone who will listen. And when potential customers see their peers raving about your brand, it’s game over—they’re hooked.

Think about when Coca-Cola launched their name on a bottle campaign in 2011.  “This seemingly simple idea of replacing iconic logos with personalized names transformed Coca-Cola into a cultural phenomenon.” Every time someone picked up a bottle with their name on it, they shared it everywhere they could, helping create a bigger brand for Coca-Cola.

Putting It into Practice: Tips for Success

Now that you’re armed with the power of User-Generated Video Content, it’s time to put it into action. Here are a few tips to help you hit the ground running:


Encourage Participation: Invite your customers to share their stories and experiences with your brand through video. Offer incentives like discounts or exclusive offers to sweeten the deal and get them excited to participate.
Showcase User-Generated Content: Once you start receiving User-Generated Videos, don’t keep them hidden away. Showcase them proudly on your website, social media channels, and email newsletters for all to see.
Engage with Your Community: Building a thriving community around your brand requires ongoing engagement and interaction. Take the time to respond to comments, acknowledge User-Generated Content, and show your appreciation for your loyal fans.
Measure and Learn: As with any marketing strategy, it’s essential to track your results and learn from your successes and failures. Pay attention to metrics like engagement rates and conversion rates to gauge the effectiveness of your User-Generated Video Content.

User-Generated Video Content isn’t just a trend—it’s a revolution that’s transforming the way businesses connect with their audience. By harnessing the power of authenticity, engagement, and social proof, local businesses can level up their marketing game and leave a lasting impression on their customers. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to unleash the power of User-Generated Video Content and take your brand to new heights.

The post The Power Of User-Generated Video Content appeared first on Vici Media.

How Can Political Candidates Use Digital for the 2024 Election?

It’s hard to believe that in just six months we will be voting for the 47th president of the United States, along with several other positions. It’s also hard to believe that the political ads have already started. It feels like we just got over them, and I’m already seeing and hearing political ads for everything from local school board elections to county elections. Gone are the days when political campaigns relied solely on traditional methods like billboards, yard signs, and TV ads to reach voters. In today’s world, where almost everyone is constantly connected to the internet, digital advertising has emerged as a formidable tool for political candidates to engage with voters, spread their message, and ultimately win elections.

Now is the time to start talking to political candidates about their campaigning plans for the 2024 election year because political ad spending is projected to be up 30% from 2020, and this projection has digital media getting 28% of the 2024 political season spend, which is nearly triple what candidates were spending on digital in 2020. Breaking it down even further, a large portion of digital budgets are projected to be spent with Over-the-Top (OTT) ads, second to traditional TV. The reach of digital advertising extends far beyond traditional boundaries. Unlike TV ads or billboards, which are limited by geography, digital ads can reach voters wherever they are, whether they’re at home, at work, or on the go. This omnipresence opportunity ensures that candidates can maintain a constant presence in voters’ lives, keeping their message top of mind throughout the campaign.

Another leg up that OTT has over regular TV ads is that the targeting options allow you to really drill down and target the ideal voter, like serving OTT ads to certain political categories through Behavioral Targeting like Political Donor: Democrat, Democratic Party Affiliation, Democrat, Democrat Voters, Super Democrats, Very Liberal/Hard Democrat, Somewhat Liberal/Leaning Democrat, Political Donor Propensity > Republican, Republican Party Affiliation, Very Conservative Political Outlook, Somewhat Conservative Political Outlook, Republican, Republican Voters, or Independent Voters, to name a few. You could also use some type of list to target voters. A list could be made up of past voters, an opponent’s voters list, or donor lists. You can even take those lists and create a lookalike audience so that now you are serving ads to people like those on the original list in order to broaden that reach.

I don’t think anyone will argue with me when I say that political candidates love using video. Outside of OTT ads, there are even more ways to use video ads with products like Video Pre-Roll/Mid-Roll Ads, Native Video, Facebook and Instagram, Mobile Conquesting (has limited inventory for video, but you could add on cross-platform targeting for more video impressions), Social Mirror, and Social Mirror OTT. These are all great products to talk about with candidates because they each offer different looks and components, but they are all using video elements. For example, a Social Mirror ad has the ability to run video ads in a carousel format, or in a story format. Both of those are going to resonate with a younger audience because they are quick short videos that that demographic is used to engaging with. Those ads are also going to look different than a Native video ad, for example, where that looks like it is part of the content that the user is reading.

One of the most powerful aspects of digital advertising is its ability to foster engagement and interaction. Platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow candidates to not only broadcast their message, but also to interact directly with voters in real-time whether it’s responding to comments, hosting live Q&A sessions, or soliciting feedback. That being said, the average political campaign spent combined on Facebook and Google in the 2022 election cycle was $21,428 which made up only 10% of the total digital ad spend. Part of the reason that causes them to have such a small piece of the political pie is because there are so many restrictions when it comes to political advertising. Facebook has limited ad placement for political ads to only show them in the Facebook and Instagram Feeds, and Instagram stories. We can no longer place political ads within Marketplace, Facebook Stories, Messenger, or the Facebook Audience Network, so that cuts down on the reach for political candidates within those products. The other problem is that many voters don’t want to see political content on their social media platform. A great alternative to running on Facebook and Instagram is to use Social Mirror ads. They will be able to use the same content they are using on their own Facebook and Instagram pages, but now it will reach voters on thousands of other websites and apps, targeted to the exact audience they want to reach, and there aren’t any restrictions.

Another popular advertising product or technique with political candidates is direct mail. Direct mail has a time and a place, but it also has its challenges. The direct mail pieces are expensive to create, print, and mail, and most of the time they end up in the recycling bin. A good opportunity to supplement that campaign, or replace it all together, and reach those same households but with digital ads instead, is to talk about Mobile Conquesting Address Targeting and Address Retargeting. This is a great way to capture those direct mail budgets because this product and targeting strategy is basically direct mail for the internet, but instead of reaching that household one time, we are reaching them multiple times on their mobile devices, and then continuing to show them that candidate’s ad after they leave that address.

In an increasingly digital world, the power of digital advertising for political candidates cannot be overstated. From its unparalleled reach and engagement potential to its data-driven decision-making capabilities, digital advertising offers campaigns a myriad of advantages that can make the difference between victory and defeat. By embracing digital tools and techniques, candidates can connect with voters, mobilize supporters, and ultimately, win elections in the 2024 election year, and beyond.

The post How Can Political Candidates Use Digital for the 2024 Election? appeared first on Vici Media.